Injector API reference


Unless specified otherwise, instance methods are not thread safe.

The following functions are thread safe:

  • Injector.get()
  • injection provided by inject() decorator (please note, however, that it doesn’t say anything about decorated function thread safety)

Injector - Python dependency injection framework, inspired by Guice

  1. 2012 by Alec Thomas


class injector.Binder(injector: injector.Injector, auto_bind: bool = True, parent: Optional[injector.Binder] = None)

Bases: object

Bind interfaces to implementations.


This class is instantiated internally for you and there’s no need to instantiate it on your own.

bind(interface: Type[T], to: Union[None, T, Callable[[...], T], injector.Provider[~T][T]] = None, scope: Union[None, Type[Scope], ScopeDecorator] = None) → None

Bind an interface to an implementation.

Binding T to an instance of T like

binder.bind(A, to=A('some', 'thing'))

is, for convenience, a shortcut for

binder.bind(A, to=InstanceProvider(A('some', 'thing'))).

Likewise, binding to a callable like

binder.bind(A, to=some_callable)

is a shortcut for

binder.bind(A, to=CallableProvider(some_callable))

and, as such, if some_callable there has any annotated parameters they’ll be provided automatically without having to use inject() or Inject with the callable.

typing.List and typing.Dict instances are reserved for multibindings and trying to bind them here will result in an error (use multibind() instead):

binder.bind(List[str], to=['hello', 'there'])  # Error
  • interface – Type to bind.
  • to – Instance or class to bind to, or an instance of Provider subclass.
  • scope – Optional Scope in which to bind.
install(module: Union[Callable[[Binder], None], Module, Type[Module]]) → None

Install a module into this binder.

In this context the module is one of the following:

  • function taking the Binder as it’s only parameter

    def configure(binder):
        bind(str, to='s')
  • instance of Module (instance of it’s subclass counts)

    class MyModule(Module):
        def configure(self, binder):
            binder.bind(str, to='s')
  • subclass of Module - the subclass needs to be instantiable so if it expects any parameters they need to be injected

multibind(interface: type, to: Any, scope: Union[ScopeDecorator, Type[Scope]] = None) → None

Creates or extends a multi-binding.

A multi-binding contributes values to a list or to a dictionary. For example:

binder.multibind(List[str], to=['some', 'strings'])
binder.multibind(List[str], to=['other', 'strings'])
injector.get(List[str])  # ['some', 'strings', 'other', 'strings']

binder.multibind(Dict[str, int], to={'key': 11})
binder.multibind(Dict[str, int], to={'other_key': 33})
injector.get(Dict[str, int])  # {'key': 11, 'other_key': 33}

Changed in version 0.17.0: Added support for using typing.Dict and typing.List instances as interfaces. Deprecated support for MappingKey, SequenceKey and single-item lists and dictionaries as interfaces.

  • interface – typing.Dict or typing.List instance to bind to.
  • to – Instance, class to bind to, or an explicit Provider subclass. Must provide a list or a dictionary, depending on the interface.
  • scope – Optional Scope in which to bind.
class injector.BoundKey

Bases: tuple

A BoundKey provides a key to a type with pre-injected arguments.

>>> class A:
...   def __init__(self, a, b):
...     self.a = a
...     self.b = b
>>> InjectedA = BoundKey(A, a=InstanceProvider(1), b=InstanceProvider(2))
>>> injector = Injector()
>>> a = injector.get(InjectedA)
>>> a.a, a.b
(1, 2)
exception injector.CallError

Bases: injector.Error

Call to callable object fails.

class injector.CallableProvider(callable: Callable[[...], T])

Bases: injector.Provider

Provides something using a callable.

The callable is called every time new value is requested from the provider.

There’s no need to explicitly use inject() or Inject with the callable as it’s assumed that, if the callable has annotated parameters, they’re meant to be provided automatically. It wouldn’t make sense any other way, as there’s no mechanism to provide parameters to the callable at a later time, so either they’ll be injected or there’ll be a CallError.

>>> class MyClass:
...     def __init__(self, value: int) -> None:
...         self.value = value
>>> def factory():
...     print('providing')
...     return MyClass(42)
>>> def configure(binder):
...     binder.bind(MyClass, to=CallableProvider(factory))
>>> injector = Injector(configure)
>>> injector.get(MyClass) is injector.get(MyClass)
exception injector.CircularDependency

Bases: injector.Error

Circular dependency detected.

class injector.ClassProvider(cls: Type[T])

Bases: injector.Provider

Provides instances from a given class, created using an Injector.

exception injector.Error

Bases: Exception

Base exception.

injector.Inject = typing_extensions.Annotated[~InjectT, <object object>]

An experimental way to declare injectable dependencies utilizing a PEP 593 implementation in Python 3.9 and backported to Python 3.7+ in typing_extensions.

Those two declarations are equivalent:

def fun(t: SomeType) -> None:

def fun(t: Inject[SomeType]) -> None:

The advantage over using inject() is that if you have some noninjectable parameters it may be easier to spot what are they. Those two are equivalent:

def fun(t: SomeType, s: SomeOtherType) -> None:

def fun(t: Inject[SomeType], s: SomeOtherType) -> None:

See also

Function get_bindings()
A way to inspect how various injection declarations interact with each other.

New in version 0.18.0.


Requires Python 3.7+.


If you’re using mypy you need the version 0.750 or newer to fully type-check code using this construct.

class injector.Injector(modules: Union[Callable[[Binder], None], Module, Type[Module], Iterable[Union[Callable[[Binder], None], Module, Type[Module]]]] = None, auto_bind: bool = True, parent: Optional[injector.Injector] = None)

Bases: object

  • modules

    Optional - a configuration module or iterable of configuration modules. Each module will be installed in current Binder using Binder.install().

    Consult Binder.install() documentation for the details.

  • auto_bind – Whether to automatically bind missing types.
  • parent – Parent injector.

New in version 0.7.5: use_annotations parameter

Changed in version 0.13.0: use_annotations parameter is removed

call_with_injection(callable: Callable[[...], T], self_: Any = None, args: Any = (), kwargs: Any = {}) → T

Call a callable and provide it’s dependencies if needed.

  • self – Instance of a class callable belongs to if it’s a method, None otherwise.
  • args (tuple of objects) – Arguments to pass to callable.
  • kwargs (dict of string -> object) – Keyword arguments to pass to callable.

Value returned by callable.

create_object(cls: Type[T], additional_kwargs: Any = None) → T

Create a new instance, satisfying any dependencies on cls.

get(interface: Type[T], scope: Union[injector.ScopeDecorator, Type[injector.Scope]] = None) → T

Get an instance of the given interface.


Although this method is part of Injector’s public interface it’s meant to be used in limited set of circumstances.

For example, to create some kind of root object (application object) of your application (note that only one get call is needed, inside the Application class and any of its dependencies inject() can and should be used):

class Application:

    def __init__(self, dep1: Dep1, dep2: Dep2):
        self.dep1 = dep1
        self.dep2 = dep2

    def run(self):

injector = Injector(configuration)
application = injector.get(Application)
  • interface – Interface whose implementation we want.
  • scope – Class of the Scope in which to resolve.

An implementation of interface.

class injector.InstanceProvider(instance: T)

Bases: injector.Provider

Provide a specific instance.

>>> class MyType:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.contents = []
>>> def configure(binder):
...     binder.bind(MyType, to=InstanceProvider(MyType()))
>>> injector = Injector(configure)
>>> injector.get(MyType) is injector.get(MyType)
>>> injector.get(MyType).contents.append('x')
>>> injector.get(MyType).contents
class injector.Module

Bases: object

Configures injector and providers.

configure(binder: injector.Binder) → None

Override to configure bindings.

injector.NoInject = typing_extensions.Annotated[~InjectT, <object object>]

An experimental way to declare noninjectable dependencies utilizing a PEP 593 implementation in Python 3.9 and backported to Python 3.7+ in typing_extensions.

Since inject() declares all function’s parameters to be injectable there needs to be a way to opt out of it. This has been provided by noninjectable() but noninjectable suffers from two issues:

  • You need to repeat the parameter name
  • The declaration may be relatively distance in space from the actual parameter declaration, thus hindering readability

NoInject solves both of those concerns, for example (those two declarations are equivalent):

def fun(a: TypeA, b: TypeB) -> None:

def fun(a: TypeA, b: NoInject[TypeB]) -> None:

See also

Function get_bindings()
A way to inspect how various injection declarations interact with each other.

New in version 0.18.0.


Requires Python 3.7+.


If you’re using mypy you need the version 0.750 or newer to fully type-check code using this construct.

class injector.NoScope(injector: injector.Injector)

Bases: injector.Scope

An unscoped provider.

class injector.Provider

Bases: typing.Generic

Provides class instances.

class injector.ProviderOf(injector: injector.Injector, interface: Type[T])

Bases: typing.Generic

Can be used to get a provider of an interface, for example:

>>> def provide_int():
...     print('providing')
...     return 123
>>> def configure(binder):
...     binder.bind(int, to=provide_int)
>>> injector = Injector(configure)
>>> provider = injector.get(ProviderOf[int])
>>> value = provider.get()
>>> value
get() → T

Get an implementation for the specified interface.

class injector.Scope(injector: injector.Injector)

Bases: object

A Scope looks up the Provider for a binding.

By default (ie. NoScope ) this simply returns the default Provider .

configure() → None

Configure the scope.

get(key: Type[T], provider: injector.Provider[~T][T]) → injector.Provider[~T][T]

Get a Provider for a key.

  • key – The key to return a provider for.
  • provider – The default Provider associated with the key.

A Provider instance that can provide an instance of key.

class injector.SingletonScope(injector: injector.Injector)

Bases: injector.Scope

A Scope that returns a per-Injector instance for a key.

singleton can be used as a convenience class decorator.

>>> class A: pass
>>> injector = Injector()
>>> provider = ClassProvider(A)
>>> singleton = SingletonScope(injector)
>>> a = singleton.get(A, provider)
>>> b = singleton.get(A, provider)
>>> a is b
class injector.ThreadLocalScope(injector: injector.Injector)

Bases: injector.Scope

A Scope that returns a per-thread instance for a key.

exception injector.UnknownArgument

Bases: injector.Error

Tried to mark an unknown argument as noninjectable.

exception injector.UnknownProvider

Bases: injector.Error

Tried to bind to a type whose provider couldn’t be determined.

exception injector.UnsatisfiedRequirement(owner: Optional[object], interface: type)

Bases: injector.Error

Requirement could not be satisfied.

injector.get_bindings(callable: Callable) → Dict[str, type]

Get bindings of injectable parameters from a callable.

If the callable is not decorated with inject() and does not have any of its parameters declared as injectable using Inject an empty dictionary will be returned. Otherwise the returned dictionary will contain a mapping between parameter names and their types with the exception of parameters excluded from dependency injection (either with noninjectable(), NoInject or only explicit injection with Inject being used). For example:

>>> def function1(a: int) -> None:
...     pass
>>> get_bindings(function1)

>>> @inject
... def function2(a: int) -> None:
...     pass
>>> get_bindings(function2)
{'a': <class 'int'>}

>>> @inject
... @noninjectable('b')
... def function3(a: int, b: str) -> None:
...     pass
>>> get_bindings(function3)
{'a': <class 'int'>}

>>> import sys, pytest
>>> if sys.version_info < (3, 7, 0):
...     pytest.skip('Python 3.7.0 required for sufficient Annotated support')

>>> # The simple case of no @inject but injection requested with Inject[...]
>>> def function4(a: Inject[int], b: str) -> None:
...     pass
>>> get_bindings(function4)
{'a': <class 'int'>}

>>> # Using @inject with Inject is redundant but it should not break anything
>>> @inject
... def function5(a: Inject[int], b: str) -> None:
...     pass
>>> get_bindings(function5)
{'a': <class 'int'>, 'b': <class 'str'>}

>>> # We need to be able to exclude a parameter from injection with NoInject
>>> @inject
... def function6(a: int, b: NoInject[str]) -> None:
...     pass
>>> get_bindings(function6)
{'a': <class 'int'>}

>>> # The presence of NoInject should not trigger anything on its own
>>> def function7(a: int, b: NoInject[str]) -> None:
...     pass
>>> get_bindings(function7)

This function is used internally so by calling it you can learn what exactly Injector is going to try to provide to a callable.

injector.inject(constructor_or_class: ConstructorOrClassT) → ConstructorOrClassT

Decorator declaring parameters to be injected.


>>> class A:
...     @inject
...     def __init__(self, number: int, name: str):
...         print([number, name])
>>> def configure(binder):
...     binder.bind(A)
...     binder.bind(int, to=123)
...     binder.bind(str, to='Bob')

Use the Injector to get a new instance of A:

>>> a = Injector(configure).get(A)
[123, 'Bob']

As a convenience one can decorate a class itself:

class B:
    def __init__(self, dependency: Dependency):
        self.dependency = dependency

This is equivalent to decorating its constructor. In particular this provides integration with dataclasses (the order of decorator application is important here):

class C:
    dependency: Dependency


This decorator is to be used on class constructors (or, as a convenience, on classes). Using it on non-constructor methods worked in the past but it was an implementation detail rather than a design decision.

Third party libraries may, however, provide support for injecting dependencies into non-constructor methods or free functions in one form or another.

See also

Generic type Inject
A more explicit way to declare parameters as injectable.
Function get_bindings()
A way to inspect how various injection declarations interact with each other.

Changed in version 0.16.2: (Re)added support for decorating classes with @inject.

injector.is_decorated_with_inject(function: Callable[[...], Any]) → bool

See if given callable is declared to want some dependencies injected.

Example use:

>>> def fun(i: int) -> str:
...     return str(i)
>>> is_decorated_with_inject(fun)
>>> @inject
... def fun2(i: int) -> str:
...     return str(i)
>>> is_decorated_with_inject(fun2)
injector.multiprovider(function: CallableT) → CallableT

Like provider(), but for multibindings. Example usage:

class MyModule(Module):
    def provide_strs(self) -> List[str]:
        return ['str1']

class OtherModule(Module):
    def provide_strs_also(self) -> List[str]:
        return ['str2']

Injector([MyModule, OtherModule]).get(List[str])  # ['str1', 'str2']

See also: Binder.multibind().

injector.noninjectable(*args) → Callable[[CallableT], CallableT]

Mark some parameters as not injectable.

This serves as documentation for people reading the code and will prevent Injector from ever attempting to provide the parameters.

For example:

>>> class Service:
...    pass
>>> class SomeClass:
...     @inject
...     @noninjectable('user_id')
...     def __init__(self, service: Service, user_id: int):
...         # ...
...         pass

noninjectable() decorations can be stacked on top of each other and the order in which a function is decorated with inject() and noninjectable() doesn’t matter.

See also

Generic type NoInject
A nicer way to declare parameters as noninjectable.
Function get_bindings()
A way to inspect how various injection declarations interact with each other.
injector.provider(function: CallableT) → CallableT

Decorator for Module methods, registering a provider of a type.

>>> class MyModule(Module):
...   @provider
...   def provide_name(self) -> str:
...       return 'Bob'

@provider-decoration implies @inject so you can omit it and things will work just the same:

>>> class MyModule2(Module):
...     def configure(self, binder):
...         binder.bind(int, to=654)
...     @provider
...     def provide_str(self, i: int) -> str:
...         return str(i)
>>> injector = Injector(MyModule2)
>>> injector.get(str)